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曼陀罗高原是早期被神定为自己的地方,是传说中人类被创造出来的诞生地。也是人类和神长时间共存的地方。据传说,穿过香巴拉之门,可以看到有三主神梵天, 比湿奴, 湿婆居住着并维持密传世界的平衡的“香巴拉城”。 紧靠巨大的山脉的香巴拉之门南部地区虽离赤道很近,但因为高原地势,平均温度偏低,人们在这儿也不会感觉到热带气候,反而经常维持着比较凉爽的天气。
但是,正当人们遗忘战争的痛楚,重新塑造新的城市“真.曼陀罗”寻求安宁时,和“魔罗的血”一同重现的魔罗的军团,发起了新的侵略,破坏了创建中的城市“真.曼陀罗”。 幸存的人们移居到南方建造了新的村庄,但新的村庄规模上早以远远比不过上被摧毁的真.曼陀罗或上古时期神的城市。因此人们将新的要塞组家园称呼为“曼陀罗村庄”,梦想着能回到黑暗时代以前的曼陀罗高原和平的景象。而除“曼陀罗山庄”以外的高原的大部分地区,仍然被笼罩在魔罗的黑暗力量的影子里。
曼陀罗高原是早期被神定为自己的地方,是传说中人类被创造出来的诞生地。也是人类和神长时间共存的地方。据传说,穿过香巴拉之门,可以看到有三主神梵天, 比湿奴, 湿婆居住着并维持密传世界的平衡的“香巴拉城”。 紧靠巨大的山脉的香巴拉之门南部地区虽离赤道很近,但因为高原地势,平均温度偏低,人们在这儿也不会感觉到热带气候,反而经常维持着比较凉爽的天气。
但是,正当人们遗忘战争的痛楚,重新塑造新的城市“真.曼陀罗”寻求安宁时,和“魔罗的血”一同重现的魔罗的军团,发起了新的侵略,破坏了创建中的城市“真.曼陀罗”。 幸存的人们移居到南方建造了新的村庄,但新的村庄规模上早以远远比不过上被摧毁的真.曼陀罗或上古时期神的城市。因此人们将新的要塞组家园称呼为“曼陀罗村庄”,梦想着能回到黑暗时代以前的曼陀罗高原和平的景象。而除“曼陀罗山庄”以外的高原的大部分地区,仍然被笼罩在魔罗的黑暗力量的影子里。
黄金时代(The Golden Age)
魔罗的军队以数不清的大军,以曼陀罗高原为开端向密传的世界侵犯,而聚集在香巴拉之门前的下级神和 履行曼陀罗高原守卫职务的神的军队,被来历不明的魔罗的军队打得措手不及。
魔罗的军队以数不清的大军,以曼陀罗高原为开端向密传的世界侵犯,而聚集在香巴拉之门前的下级神和 履行曼陀罗高原守卫职务的神的军队,被来历不明的魔罗的军队打得措手不及。
八王之战(War of Eight Kings)
黑暗的前兆( The Portent of Darkness )
并非所有的人对于魔罗之血和魔罗的出没污染曼陀罗高原的事情无动于衷。一些志愿者和冒险者,为了搞清威胁的真相而努力着。从战争开始过了9个时代的时候,夜叉族选拔的战士们经历的所谓“夜叉族的悲剧“ 也是这种努力带来的惨剧。
Game BackGround
(From Tantra Global website:http://tantra.gamenetworks.com/guide/guide_01_1.asp)
From the ancient world of the Trimutri, gods and humans were living together in perfect harmony. TANTRA created the almost perfect haven among the native nations, but this temporary peace is destined to be disrupted by a malevolence that has shown itself to the open.
Haima Yuga: The Golden Age
A time of peace between gods and humans living together, this era was known as the Haima Yuga. The time when the 3 gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva living as one at the Shambala Castle.
They are the rulers of Tantra that brings the balance to its tranquility.
After a long, long time of peace and serenity, humans began to envy the gods making them anxious about them selves and feel uneasy. The supremacy of the gods provoked a deep envy among humans.
Creating curiosity to ask all the things and its purpose resulting to their disbelief to the gods.
As it happens they fled on to their separate ways making the 8 tribes shape the world.
As the humans goes on, their path is still guided by the gods. Oracles are found with each tribe communicating with the gods. As the realms of tantra slowly taking into shape, a vision of both humankind and gods was now possible and has came to reality.
A time of peace between gods and humans living together, this era was known as the Haima Yuga. The time when the 3 gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva living as one at the Shambala Castle.
They are the rulers of Tantra that brings the balance to its tranquility.
After a long, long time of peace and serenity, humans began to envy the gods making them anxious about them selves and feel uneasy. The supremacy of the gods provoked a deep envy among humans.
Creating curiosity to ask all the things and its purpose resulting to their disbelief to the gods.
As it happens they fled on to their separate ways making the 8 tribes shape the world.
As the humans goes on, their path is still guided by the gods. Oracles are found with each tribe communicating with the gods. As the realms of tantra slowly taking into shape, a vision of both humankind and gods was now possible and has came to reality.
Fatality of Brahma
Life as it known seems peaceful and quite in the realms of Tantra but the destiny had to be taken place and brought the evil to arise when Shiva as the destroyer slit the throat of Brahma.
This murder resulted the inequity, the imbalance within Tantra.
Few brave warriors among humans tried to bring back the lost balance to its place by closing the gates of Shambala for all eternity. Before it was foretold that this was going to happen, that an horrifying evil shall cross its paths to the land. The disappearance of the gods and the closure of the gate of Shambala made the forces of evil much stronger.
The diabolical mantra and its legions began to spread the horrifying terror to the humanity.
Mara’s evil plan was like a reigning cloud over the land, eradicating the entire gate keepers lives and leaving the humankind to rely on their defenseless selves.
This murder resulted the inequity, the imbalance within Tantra.
Few brave warriors among humans tried to bring back the lost balance to its place by closing the gates of Shambala for all eternity. Before it was foretold that this was going to happen, that an horrifying evil shall cross its paths to the land. The disappearance of the gods and the closure of the gate of Shambala made the forces of evil much stronger.
The diabolical mantra and its legions began to spread the horrifying terror to the humanity.
Mara’s evil plan was like a reigning cloud over the land, eradicating the entire gate keepers lives and leaving the humankind to rely on their defenseless selves.
Memories of the Eight Kings
As the Mara’s minion take down the gatekeepers defenses, humans from the eight tribes united to fight Mara’s evil scheme. Each tribe was headed by eight noble heroes who lead them into the war. The battle between the heroes and Mara’s dark army last for 1 yogi year (10 years) resulting to a massive casualties.
Mara and its followers initiate a final strike but eventually repulsed by the brave humans sealing Mara to its due place away from Tantra. The battle ended in humankinds' favor but the victory was replaced by the lives of the 8 warriors as sacrifice to win the war. Moreover, as a tribute to the great warriors, humans gave a rightful place for the heroes. They renamed them as the 8 kings and their legend was passed on to generations.
Sadly the memories of the battle and the 8 kings were slowly erased from the mind of the new generations as it pass on.
Mara and its followers initiate a final strike but eventually repulsed by the brave humans sealing Mara to its due place away from Tantra. The battle ended in humankinds' favor but the victory was replaced by the lives of the 8 warriors as sacrifice to win the war. Moreover, as a tribute to the great warriors, humans gave a rightful place for the heroes. They renamed them as the 8 kings and their legend was passed on to generations.
Sadly the memories of the battle and the 8 kings were slowly erased from the mind of the new generations as it pass on.
Epoch of the Dark Age
7 yogi years (70 years) passed and the humankind were slowly getting their strength back from the result of the great battle. New cities were develop in a once desolated land. they named 1 of the city mantra plava, a city where the descendants from the 8 tribes lived in peace and order.
After the unexpected disappearance of the three gods and left the humans a gap between them, humans are unable to answer questions that would help them enlighten the truth and beliefs. The ideas of humans collide with one another cause a separate beliefs that result their questions unanswered.
At this time of uncertainty, the delicate peace and harmony was about to be broken. A rumor about the sightings of the evil creatures was believed as a descendants of Mara also known as Mara’s Blood spread through the fearful humans.
Upon the increasing number of the known evil, humans evacuated Mantra Plava and headed south to begin constructing shelters and defenses from Mara’s blood. Still, lives are being paid on the evacuation. Several attempts were undertaken on the evils den.
These brave men failed to stop the threats. Attempting to do what the eight kings have done for the humans, but the brave ones are powerless against the massive power of Mara’s blood. The time of tranquility, that once ruled for a great time has ended.
A new and more ferocious evil has now come to the open. The Dark Age has come ? a time of terror and evil.
After the unexpected disappearance of the three gods and left the humans a gap between them, humans are unable to answer questions that would help them enlighten the truth and beliefs. The ideas of humans collide with one another cause a separate beliefs that result their questions unanswered.
At this time of uncertainty, the delicate peace and harmony was about to be broken. A rumor about the sightings of the evil creatures was believed as a descendants of Mara also known as Mara’s Blood spread through the fearful humans.
Upon the increasing number of the known evil, humans evacuated Mantra Plava and headed south to begin constructing shelters and defenses from Mara’s blood. Still, lives are being paid on the evacuation. Several attempts were undertaken on the evils den.
These brave men failed to stop the threats. Attempting to do what the eight kings have done for the humans, but the brave ones are powerless against the massive power of Mara’s blood. The time of tranquility, that once ruled for a great time has ended.
A new and more ferocious evil has now come to the open. The Dark Age has come ? a time of terror and evil.
The Eight Tribes: Paths Destined to Cross
The Deva tribe calls the east end of the continent as their abode, a picturesque region with a chilly environment that is conducive for learning the Mantra Arts (magic) and for preserving the language of the gods.
Highly skilled in deciphering ancient verses of the gods, they uphold this archaic tradition by recording them in special slates and inscribe these writings on their bodies which they proudly display as an exquisite body art.
Devas are highly known for their extraordinary magical powers and high resistance from Mantra Magic but they are vulnerable to physical attacks.
Accomplished in performing Mantra Arts, Be enthralled by the DEVA Story
In the eastern part of Tantra, there was a tribe situated in a region of vast fields and blessed with temperate climate. But when an army of Mara threatened to swamped Tantra, the tribe witnessed a birth of a miracle, a child that they all knew to be designed for greater things. They named him Prince Deva. But his mother died after ordeal.
Few years passed and the new queen gave birth to another prince. Deva’s childhood was rather normal and quiet but since his stepmother and stepbrother wasn’t affectionate of him, the queen made all efforts to disgrace him to the king and Deva received ill-treatment from his half-brother.
The prince, gifted with special Mantra powers, was completely unconscious of the rising conspiracy against his ascendancy to the throne and was caught up with his own imaginary world, as if constantly daydreaming of a place where gods ruled.
One day, at that time when the prince learned how to speak, he was awoken by a horrible nightmare and he screamed, “The Maras, maras…”. The nannies and servants immediately roused and tried to calm him down. Premonition the nightmare of the things to come, the attack and plunder of Mara become more rampant at the east side of Tantra. But the tribe was able to repulse the constant raids of Mara with the aid of the divine mantra and soon, peace and prosperity came back throughout the lands. At the tender age, Prince Deva who was blessed with a very powerful mantra, was able to single handedly crush evil Maras, a deed not even the elders could accomplish. He was held as the savior of the tribe which caused more jealousy from his stepmother and half-brother.
Despite his tribe’s undying appreciation, he still longed for his mother. His efforts to reach out for his stepmother were all for nothing which brought him to a deep-seated loneliness, torment that was beyond words.
Two voices from above would oftentimes call to him, one is telling him to leave and face a different fate and be one with those who have the same fate, but the other is telling him that he is a prince and a bearer of great powers. He should learn how to love and hold on to what is what he have now. These two voices were tearing him apart, driving him to the edge of madness and confusion.
When Deva turned 17, a year before his enthronement, the Maras tried to penetrate deep into the innermost part of the kingdom for the first time which caught everyone in surprise. It was as if there was a traitor who aided the Maras in their attack. Their primary target is Prince Deva. Deva was able to drive off the Maras but was seriously wounded in the consequent combat. He lingered into oblivion for the next few days while the tribe restlessly waits for his recovery. Everybody was in a state of shock except his loathsome stepmother and half-brother.
After one month from a coma-like state, Deva awoke. His eyes reflected the blazing glow of some with immense mantra power. He stood up and headed straight to the king and asked for his leave, telling the king that gods called out to him and he must find his destiny. The king’s plea was in vain for Deva had already made up his mind. Without telling the king his destination, he pointed to the sky and the vasts tracts of land surrounding it and the king immediately understood. He was also aware that the queen and her son were behind the recent attack of the Maras and the attempt to kill Deva. Fortunately, their plans did not work. On the day Deva left, the king asked for the reason behind his leaving and Deva whispered hs reply, “To uncover the higher truth and convene the people who have been calling out to me”. Then he began his long and tough journey.